Who is Erika?

I am a certified counselor, transformation coach, spiritual mentor and writer. I love spirituality, self development, NLP, CBT, entrepreneurship, health, fitness, writing and music. My blog consists of my own writing and poetry based on my personal thoughts, feelings and experiences. Some of these I wrote over 20 years ago when I was only 10 years old. Thank you for visiting my page and reading my work.

With Love,


463 thoughts on “Who is Erika?

  1. Thank you for the like of the poem for “Spies who love” and the follow. More to come! Romance, horror, thriller, children’s stories, sci fi. Just keep an eye on my channel. I’m all over the genre map!


  2. Hey Erika,
    I just wanted to thank you so much for the follow. It is pleasure to meet you and I look forward to more of your work. By the way, you look and sound amazing in those videos of yours! Keep up all of the hard work and please do keep singing and writing! πŸ™‚

  3. Hello, Erika! Thank you so much for following my blog!
    I hope you enjoy my writing and my stories, and let me tell you I am asbolutely enjoying yours!
    I hope you are having a wonderful day x

  4. Hi, I Just want to ask if you are the author of the poem “Pain of A Broken Heart”.What motivates you to write it and what is your situation in writing it,is it your own experience? May I know a little from your biography?Because our teacher told us to submit a poem and I selected that poem and we must include the life of the author.Thank you in advance.

    • Hello,

      I am flattered. I am sorry for the delayed response. Have you already completed your project? Which poem are you referring to exactly? Do you mean. “A broken heart and a shattered soul?

      Warm regards,


  5. Pingback: Most Influential Blogger Award! – and no-stress nominations | Chaos Girl & the Real World

  6. Erika – Thanks very much for following my blog. There’s so much happening on yours that I need to set aside some time to really explore! I look forward to doing so and to finding out more about your artistic pursuits.

  7. You look lovely and your description is wonderful. So full of life. I can’t wait to see the rest of your blog. πŸ™‚

      • You are most welcome! πŸ˜€ And also, thank you. I am very happy to have connected with you too. I’m really glad you like my blog. I’m still quite new to blogging. I hope to hear more from you. I wish you all the best! πŸ™‚

  8. Thanks for following both The Write Edge and The Write Edge Bookshelf. I hope you find both interesting, informative, and maybe even entertaining. Have a great week!

  9. Thank you for liking my post and following my blog, Erika. I love your blog, and everything it represents. You’re beautiful, you write beautifully, and you have a beautiful voice. Thank you for taking the time to connect with me. I look forward to reading more from you and interacting with you. πŸ™‚ :*

  10. Hi Erika: Just wanted to drop in and give you a big hug for following WordPress blog, “Exit 4A.” It’ll be a fun journey through my 26yrs as a mistress. Yes: TWENTY-SIX years! Hope you like it and will comment often. Can’t wait to start reading your posts, too! http://www.exit4a.com and more insights on Twitter: @Exit4A Cheers!

  11. Hi, Erika, welcome to hisdeeplove. Thank you for following me there. I will need much more time here on your blog: There is so much to explore! Be blessed. Hannah

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