Keep Calm & Trust the Universe.


Trust in God. Trust in the universe. Have faith that everything is happening as it should.  Trust that even the things that are falling apart have to in order for something greater to come together. Trust that every end is a new beginning.

Believe that things will get better because they always have. You’ve hit rock bottom before and came up. Trust in that cycle. Embrace every experience as an opportunity to recreate yourself and come closer to the highest thought you have of yourself and the life you envision for yourself. Don’t underestimate faith, patience, love and karma. Hold on. You”ll see it was worth the wait. And if you’re reading this right now and it fills you with hope, know that it is not a coincidence.   – Erika Fuego

49 thoughts on “Keep Calm & Trust the Universe.

  1. A great piece Erika. I think forgiving is the easy part, you never forget though and that indeed makes it a hollow thing.

  2. You recently started following my blog. I always do followups on the people that read my nonsense, and read theirs. Obviously we can’t. follow, our reader would never be read. Usually we all follow those that inspire us. After all, we’re all writers, and artist. I just wanted to say I gladly made room on my reader for your blog, and thank you for having the courage to remain yourself, and keep all of you.

    Most people think that to follow a spiritual path, they have to sacrifice parts of themselves, especially in Christianity, which is my path. You actually do the opposite of that, and find yourself instead. That’s where the joy in life is. Thank you for staying on your path, so that we could meet you there ❤

    • Sorry about the typo. 😀 There’s no option to edit, so ooops. I meant to say obviously we can’t follow everyone that follows us, or our reader would get out of hand, and we read what inspires us. That would be you. Thankx again. XOXO

      • We bloggers are having a discussion on the WordPress forums. Your blog, and only a couple of others seem to be the only ones that I can comment on. People are reporting that there’s no place to Comment on their blogs, and mine is one of them. What’s crazy is, they are enabled, and I can see the comment box, but you guys can’t. I just left myself a comment a minute ago, lmao, (twilight zone music in background) 😀 Just curious, did you see a “leave comment” box @ my blog? Thanks in advance for the third degree. I didn’t mean to make your comment box a q&a session, but lol, you and one other blogger are the only peeps I can comment to.

        Peace gfriend, and much love. XOXO

    • I am so happy to hear that. I wrote this hoping it will reach out to the ones that really needed to hear it. I am glad to have brought a little peace over you my friend.



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